Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Are we all prejudiced?

Media influences what individuals think. I can't argue that. My question is how much do I let it influence me. I create concepts of people, places, and things in my head from what the world teaches me about them. However, I have no idea if it is right or wrong unless I see it for myself. Therefore, I have accepted that I, at some point or another, have given birth to stereotypes. Gorham, in Gender, Race, and Media, seemed to calm my anxiety of the stereotype of the negative connotations I have created about being a creator of stereotypes. In a study by Devine (1989), it was concluded that "low-prejudiced people used some type of controlled cognitive processing to suppress the automatically activated stereotype". Even though I may form stereotypes, I may not endorse them. I may have biased knowlege of a group of people, but hopefully I also have the potential ability to surpress biased judgement as well.

Related research by Devine

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